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Software patches are a continual pain in the ass. Windows Update takes care of Windows and some Microsoft programs, but does nothing about all the other software on your system. One of the first posts I wrote when AuctioneerTech launched in September of 2008 was about a company called Secunia that helps you check the software on your computer for vulnerabilities. I’ve been a regular Secunia user ever since, using their Personal Software Inspector (PSI) to keep my personal machines up to date.
Yesterday, Secunia released version 2 of their PSI, which boasts a new, even easier-to-use interface. If you haven’t used Secunia before, now is a great time to start.
Aaron Traffas
twitter.com/traffas | aarontraffas.com | aarontraffasband.com
Aaron Traffas is an auctioneer from Sharon, Kansas. For over two decades, he worked for
Purple Wave. Aaron served as president of the
Kansas Auctioneers Association in 2017 and on the
National Auctioneers Association Education Institute Board of Trustees from 2009 through 2013. He is a past instructor at CAI and co-wrote the original ATS and AMM designation courses from NAA. An active contract bid caller, he has advanced to the finals in multiple state auctioneer contests.
Aaron now operates a farm in south central Kansas and serves as a benefit auctioneer and an occasional contract bid caller. Aaron is an active singer and songwriter and the
Aaron Traffas Band's latest music can be found at aarontraffasband.com as well as
Apple Music and