Archive for the month of August 2009
NAALive finally comes to an end
Long a thorn in the sides of other Internet bidding providers, the National Auctioneers Association‘s affinity relationship with is coming to an end. We’re excited about this development, as we feel it will foster a more open and competitive … Continue reading
Watch champion auctioneers on YouTube
We follow @naaauctioneers on Twitter and so should you. Recent tweets from NAA have alerted us of today’s posting of video of the winners of the IAC to YouTube. Here are our 2009 IAC champions Kevin Borger and Terri Walker.
Strengths of Internet bidding
Internet auctions have powerful advantages over live events. Trying to simulate live auctions on the Internet gives up those advantages and introduces the same limitations of live auctions. Continue reading
Proxibid questions answered
Image via CrunchBase Our post on Wednesday described an announcement by Proxibid of their forthcoming embedding bidding service. This service will allow auctioneers to seamlessly embed Proxibid’s systems into the auctioneers’ web pages. In Wednesday’s post, we posed five questions … Continue reading
Media Convert is a free and easy format changing service
As we generate more video here at AuctioneerTech, we find ourselves becoming more and more familiar with format types. One of the challenges we faced with the creation of the Auction Video Podcast was getting the video into a format … Continue reading