Archive for the month of May 2009
Auction Flex launches new blog
Brandon Harker from Auction Flex was a guest on Auction Podcast Episode 9. Auction Flex has just launched a new blog and Brandon has written a great article about the importance of clerking auctions. He gives some great tips for … Continue reading
Auction Podcast Episode 18 – Interview with Chris Longly
Chris Longly from the National Auctioneers Association talks about his role as Deputy Executive Directory and promotes the 60th International Auctioneers Conference and show. You’re listening to the Auction Podcast. Today is Wednesday, 27th May, 2009. – technology, auction … Continue reading
Naming and storing auction pictures and data
By far the most important part of advertising an auction is the item-level listing on the Internet. With that listing, a prospective bidder can find the items he’s interested in, not just a prospective auction that he may or may … Continue reading
Reading plain text email is safer and faster and preserves privacy
Image via Wikipedia We try to cover basic security best-practices as much as possible. We talked about the value of NoScript, a Firefox plugin that prevents JavaScript from loading on web pages unless specifically allowed by the user. Today, we’re … Continue reading
Dimdim is viable free WebEx or GoToMeeting alternative
Image via CrunchBase We recently had reason to search for an alternative to the overpriced [read: not free] web conferencing solutions such as WebEx and GoToMeeting. A quick Google search revealed a relatively new service that claims to be “the … Continue reading