Tag Archives: microsoft
Secunia releases new version to check your software for updates
Secunia checks the software on your system for available updates. They just released version 2 of their Personal Software Inspector. Continue reading
Microsoft releases another emergency update
Image via CrunchBase Last October, we shot out a heads-up regarding an out-of-band update from Microsoft. An out-of-band update is one that is released outside of the patch Tuesday update schedule, the well-known pattern Microsoft has established for releasing updates … Continue reading
Internet Explorer 8 officially released
Image via Wikipedia Microsoft officially released Internet Explorer 8 yesterday.The first Internet Explorer to pass the Acid 2 test, a test to verify that a browser renders web pages correctly, it boasts improved speed, better security and a few new … Continue reading
Windows 7 is a faster Vista
We got our hands on a copy of the public beta of Microsoft Windows 7, the planned successor to Windows Vista. From what we can see so far, it’s very fast on our test system, though we haven’t tested it … Continue reading
Auction Podcast Episode 11 – Open source auctioneer
One of the reasons AuctioneerTech exists is to make life easier for everyone, including auctioneers. One of the ways this goal is accomplished is by reviewing software that performs a novel or important function. Most of the software covered is … Continue reading