Tag Archives: usability
The end of the FAQ
We’ve all seen websites that list frequently asked questions, or FAQ. Continuing in our series All Things Must End, we’re going to show that FAQ are training wheels from when the web was new and have no place on modern … Continue reading
Reading plain text email is safer and faster and preserves privacy
Image via Wikipedia We try to cover basic security best-practices as much as possible. We talked about the value of NoScript, a Firefox plugin that prevents JavaScript from loading on web pages unless specifically allowed by the user. Today, we’re … Continue reading
Accessible websites, more RFP ideas
The example RFP for website construction posted last week mentioned a little about web standards and user agents, but after further reflection it seems we need to examine further the importance of an accessible and usable website and add a … Continue reading
PDF should be optional on web

Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format created by Adobe in 1993. As of July 1, 2008, it’s an ISO standard, which means that the format is open and published so that anyone can create it or use it. … Continue reading
Flash is bad, m’kay

Flash shouldn’t be used on modern websites for anything but video. Continue reading