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The National Auctioneers Association is working with Michigan State University‘s Broad College of Business and Entrepreneurship Institute to present auctioneers with a survey to get a better understanding of the auction industry.
Unlike most surveys, the answers to these questions will remain anonymous. Here’s the copy from the email invitations, sent to multiple mailing lists including NAA, AuctionZip and others.
The marketing department of Michigan State University estimates that auctions and online bid sites account for 2 percent of the U.S. economy. Despite its economic significance, the topic is given little attention in marketing and entrepreneurship textbooks. The purpose of the research survey is to help the university and auctioneer associations gain a better understanding of the auction profession and the challenges auctioneers face today.
The questions attempt to ascertain average demographics, why auctioneers enter the industry and what challenges they face once they get there. The results from this survey will directly influence the decisions made by NAA’s leadership.
This survey is important, and it’s for all auctioneers, not just NAA members. Take a few moments to complete the survey now!