Proxibid announces upcoming embedded bidding solution



One of the most popular feature requests made of Internet bidding providers is that they offer a non-branded, embedded solution for auctioneers who want the ability to host bidding on their sites rather than having to push people to a third-party website.

Today, in an email to their auctioneer clients, Proxibid announced that they were working on such a solution and that it would be available soon. Here’s the official announcement.

Just when you thought it wasn’t possible for the world’s most popular live auction webcasting service to get any better…stay tuned for exciting news and information about Proxibid’s embedded online auction solution.  Our embedded solution will enable you to offer online bidding seamlessly on your Web site, making it easier than ever to provide your bidders with a full-service online auction experience.

We’re working overtime to ensure our embedded solution provides you with the leading-edge technology you’ve come to expect from Proxibid, and we’ll be ready to share the details in early September!

Allowing auctioneers the ability to completely brand their users’ experiences will be a very powerful tool. Jeff Johnstonbaugh announced in the most recent Auction Podcast that BidSpotter is working on a similar solution, and its realistic to expect that the other players in this space are working frantically on the same type of offering.

Competition is good, but it’s not quite accurate to say that the first one there wins. There are a lot of questions that will matter a great deal that have yet to be answered.

  • Pricing structure – will it cost more to use the embedded solution?
  • Simultaneous exposure – will inventories exist on the portal and the auctioneers’ websites simultaneously?
  • Branding – will the bidding experience be non-branded or simply embedded?
  • Difficulty – how easy will it be for auctioneers to integrate the bidding system within websites?
  • Customer pooling – what will the bidder registration process look like and how will buyer information be shared?

This move will be a win-win for both Proxibid and their customers – both auctioneers and bidders – regardless of the details. We’re very excited about this announcement, and we look forward to learning more about the details of this next evolution in real-time Internet bidding methods.

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Aaron Traffas | |

Aaron Traffas is an auctioneer from Sharon, Kansas. For over two decades, he worked for Purple Wave. Aaron served as president of the Kansas Auctioneers Association in 2017 and on the National Auctioneers Association Education Institute Board of Trustees from 2009 through 2013. He is a past instructor at CAI and co-wrote the original ATS and AMM designation courses from NAA. An active contract bid caller, he has advanced to the finals in multiple state auctioneer contests. Aaron now operates a farm in south central Kansas and serves as a benefit auctioneer and an occasional contract bid caller. Aaron is an active singer and songwriter and the Aaron Traffas Band's latest music can be found at as well as Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon.

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