Tag Archives: AuctionWally
Auctions on Twitter were bound to happen
We frequently write about Twitter and its many benefits. We frequently visit our sister site at AuctioneerTweet to see what auctioneers are saying on Twitter. Today, however, we noticed something new. Actual items are now being sold on Twitter using … Continue reading
AuctioneerTech launches AuctioneerTweet, gets scooped
Image via CrunchBase As an effort to build and grow the community of auctioneers using Twitter, we launched a new website yesterday called AuctioneerTweet at – where else – www.auctioneertweet.com. The concept is simple. Any auctioneer with a Twitter account … Continue reading
AuctionWally calls out eBay CEO
We have to admit that we’ve been following recent events at eBay with a little bit of schadenfreude. We’ve always held the position that someone who sells on eBay isn’t an auctioneer. eBay is the auctioneer that outsources the work … Continue reading